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Pride 2024

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At LGBT YouthLine we are incredibly fortunate to feel the support of so many communities who are invested in, and care about, 2SLGBTQ+ youth. Our communities have believed in the value of YouthLine for three decades, and this Pride we are so excited to invite all our supporters, community members, friends, and chosen family to join us in celebrating! 

Our 30th anniversary theme, 30 Years of Community Connections, reflects the countless relationships, ideas, connections, and collaborations that YouthLine has been a part of since 1994. This theme not only looks back to celebrate our shared journey, but also inspires us to continue forging new connections that will strengthen our communities for years to come.  

Pride began as a protest, a testament to the perseverance and determination of generations past. Today, it serves as a reminder of the challenges we continue to face and celebrates the victories we have achieved. 

With a rise in anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate, Pride is a chance to connect and reunite with chosen family & community. This time highlights the joy, resistance, and power of 2SLGBTQ+ communities around the globe and in our backyards, and through this, we learn how to gather, survive, and strive for better, together.

Stay tuned to our social media channels throughout the Pride season, for exciting content and powerful stories, including firsthand experiences from YouthLine alumni, as they share their journeys and the impact YouthLine has had on their lives. 

Together, let’s make this Pride a celebration of community, connection, and love. 

Read more about our anniversary in this IN Magazine feature:  

You can also stay updated about our celebrations by following us on social media (click the buttons at the top of the page) or signing up for our newsletter (fill out your email address in the field at the bottom of the page). 

Where we’ll be this Pride season

We’re planning our biggest Pride turnout yet in 2024! Visit our table, learn about our work, and pick up some outreach materials!

Find us at the following Pride events across the province. We’ll add new events to this list as they’re confirmed, so please check back.

…and more to come! 

Do you work with youth?  Order our HelpLine posters and service cards, and we’ll mail them to you for free: 

Want to donate? You can read about ways to donate here, or check out our Square shop for merch such as buttons and zines! We will also have merch at our Pride tables. 

And stay tuned for an exciting new way to show your love for YouthLine…