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#Dare2Give this Holiday Season

Posted on November 27, 2020

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This holiday season, what do you give to the person who has it all… and who also can’t leave their home for “non-essential” reasons? Tickets to YouthLine’s #Dare2Workshop Series, that’s what!


What is #Dare2Workshops?

Through LGBT YouthLine’s Dare2Workshops, you will participate in entry-level workshops designed to teach the ABC’s of a variety of different skills, knowledges, and talents. Pick the ones that appeal to you, and forget the ones that don’t – but don’t be intimidated by your perceived lack of ability. Everyone is here to learn and try new things together …. so, ‘kind of sucking’ – and daring to go on anyway – is the number one requirement for participation!


Follow the link to purchase a gift card. You will receive an email with the gift card that you can either print or e-mail to your lucky gift recipient, who can redeem them to any forthcoming #Dare2Workshop via the regular registration page. To purchase tickets and learn more about the redemption process, click here:


To learn more about #Dare2Workshops, including the 2020-2021 workshop line up, click here.


All proceeds go towards LGBT YouthLine’s services, which help us continue our support of 2SLGBTQ+ youth across the province.


One purchase, twice the impact!