After much anticipation, we are excited to announce the release of “Do Better: 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Recommendations for Change in Ontario.” This report draws from LGBT YouthLine’s Needs Assessment, “We’re Here: 2SLGBTQ+ Youth across Ontario Assert Needs and Experiences,” where almost 1,200 2SLGBTQ+ youth from across Ontario shared their experiences, dreams, and demands for change.
The report details seven recommendations calling on organizations, government, service providers, educators, health care professionals, and community leaders in Ontario to #DoBetter to support 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Ontario.
The seven recommendations are:
For more details about each of these recommendations and how you can take action, visit
View our full Press Release Statement here
While we wish we could gather in person for the launch of this report, we are excited to announce a virtual launch tour in April 2021! Join YouthLine for one or more panels focused on the seven recommendations, while learning from a 2SLGBTQ+ youth panel.
As named below, each launch has a focus area. While each launch will provide a similar short overview of the seven recommendations, the panelists, guest moderator and focus area will be different. We encourage you to register for one or more of the launches, depending on area of work and/or interest.
Launches are open to everyone, and free to attend! We strongly encourage service providers, educators, health care professional, politicians and community leaders across Ontario to attend.
For more information about a launch event and/or to register, click below:
A special “Youth Only” Launch will also be held! This space is exclusively for 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Ontario who are 29 and under.
Follow us online, on our website news feed, or sign up for our e-Newsletter to keep up-to-date.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please reach out to: Hayley Moody, Manager of Engagement and Partnerships at, or Berkha Gupta, Executive Director, at